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Guest Post: Reignite Your Passion For Words

By Rebecca Laffar-Smith

With winter tightening his icy fingers across the Northern Hemisphere, it is the perfect time to snuggle indoors, rekindling inspiration and reigniting your passion for words. After a busy holiday season and the mad crush of work across the final months of the year I know I've felt the stress and fatigue. I'm sure I'm not alone in suffering ebbs of energy and enthusiasm.

Freelance Writers are lucky. We make a living doing something we love, but even freelancers feel the strain from hard months of work. Many of us simply cannot afford to take a well earned break, so how can we restore our battered writer's soul while continuing to meet deadlines?

1. Read More

I've never met a writer who did not love to read. The cold weather gives us a wonderful excuse to stay rugged up inside. A good book (or 5) is the perfect companion when the computer is off for the night and sleep is still distant. Honestly, would you rather the alternative (watching hour after hour of reality television or Dilbert re-runs)?

Reading is the best way to refill our writer's well. Absorb information, embrace adventure, or immerse in classic literature, to find new inspiration, ideas and realms of imagination.

2. Watch T.V. or D.V.Ds

Ok, despite what I said earlier about the dubious appeal of television, there are many series and movies that give writers perspective on the craft. After all, these audio-visual experiences were originally 'written' works.

Television series come in a range of genres and while quality viewing is subjective it is easy to relax into effortless absorption. There are many opportunities to learn about writing, explore modern culture, learn new interests, and escape into other realities.

3. Shovel The Driveway

It might not sound like fun or relaxation but the physical exertion required to clear a snow-bound drive can be very refreshing. The crisp air outside clears the mind and the chill gusts blow away cobwebs of aged thought.

Obviously, shoveling snow is just one of many strenuous activities you can embrace to calm your mind and body. Any form of exercise can achieve the same sense of peace and clarity so hit the gym, take the dog for a walk, or play a game of football. Physical exercise is also vital for your health!

4. Begin a New Project

How are you doing on your New Year Resolutions? As we charge through the first few months of 2009 it is time to wrap up old projects and challenge yourself to reach for your dreams. A new project may be just what you need to fire up your motivation. Get excited about the new direction you're taking in life.

The first stage of a new project is to let go of activities that do not support your desires. Choose to close the door on a time consuming project that drains your energy. That gig obviously isn't for you. Instead, replace it with a project for which you feel passionate. This will dramatically improve your outlook, shining light on the months to come.

5. Write Just For You

After long months writing for others we often forget to continue putting time into those writing projects that are our life blood. Do you have a book that has fallen to the back burner? Is your love of poetry molding in a closet? Have those special lyrics gathered dust on your piano? Carve time out of your busy schedule to work on those writing projects you do simply because you love to write.

Remember Why You Freelance

Getting bogged down in mind numbing jobs just to cash checks is NOT why you decided to freelance. Being your own boss gives you the power to take charge of your career. If you are finding yourself trudging through your business commitments then it is time to take a moment to remember exactly why you launched into this freelancing journey. And to make changes accordingly.

Create New Goals, Find New Direction

When it comes down to it, the most inspiring act you take is to define your goals for the coming months. A Goal Setting Workshop gives you permission to dream. Focus on what you really want from life and lay down the map that will show you the way.

Discover your true passion;
inspiration, motivation, and creativity will follow!

Rebecca Laffar-Smith is a freelance writer, editor, and web tech. Her blog, The Writer's Round-About, discusses various aspects of online freelance business.