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Penelope Trunk on Good Blogging

Back in September, I wrote about why writers should blog, and that post continues to be one of my most popular posts ever. It's a hot topic among writers, because so many of us feel the tension between writing for publication vs. writing for ourselves. Plus, as traditional publishing avenues dwindle, we're torn between clinging to the old way of doing things and embracing a new publishing model that few of us fully understand.

One of the writers who really seems to get blogging is Penelope Trunk. As mentioned in my earlier post, Penelope leveraged her blog to land a six figure book deal, plus tons of speaking and consulting gigs. Now she's expanded Brazen Careerist into a brand of its own with hundreds of bloggers (including yours truly). She recently published an interview excerpt in which she discusses how blogging helped her reach her goals and build a successful platform.

She makes an interesting point about monetization: that most bloggers shouldn't expect to get rich blogging, but that if you blog well it can open up more opportunities. I couldn't agree more.

Check out Penelope's interview.