Lovely Girl   +  rants

Is it too much to ask... ?

  • To have an apartment where I can warm up with a space heater without worrying that the fuse will blow for the fourth time in a week? Seriously, I think I'm about to blow a fuse.
  • To have adequately insulated windows so that it doesn't feel like a Nor'easter in my bedroom even with the heat cranking? Yes, I put up plastic on all the windows.
  • To wake up in the morning and not get goosebumps as I hurriedly put on new layers of wool and fleece to stay warm? It's my least favorite part of the day.
  • To have the thermostat located in a place where I don't have to climb over my roommate's bedroom furniture to adjust the temperature? Better yet, is it too much to ask to live alone?
  • To have wireless access in my bedroom? Yes, we've called Comcast and they advised us that our apartment's layout makes it impossible to get a strong signal throughout.
  • To have neighbors who understand that is just plain rude to play music on their balcony at 3 in the morning after their sleep-deprived neighbor (whose window faces the balcony) asks them to stop? Yeah, I called the cops and that worked for about 15 minutes.
  • To have a pantry that stores food instead of mouse droppings? We have mousetraps and so far we've caught two of the little buggers, but I suspect there's an entire clan lurking behind the stove.

Apparently, it is. But maybe Santa will bring me a new apartment for Christmas (or at least cute pair of fingerless gloves as pictured above). And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming...

Flickr photo by ashe-villain