Lovely Girl   +  success

Open Thread: Does Freelancing Bring Happiness?

Mr. Muse raised an interesting question a few weeks ago: "Do you really think you're happier freelancing vs. when you worked in an office?" At first I was shocked he'd even pose such a question. "Of course I'm happier! I mean, I get to choose my own projects, set my own hours, I don't even have to change out of my yoga pants if I don't feel like it." "But you're always talking about a slow-paying client or an uncooperative source or some other issue," he reminded me. "Would it really be so bad if you did a contract gig for a few months and took a break from hounding people for money?" (To give you some context, Mr. Muse did not know me when I was working 9-6ish and had office politics, crappy commutes, demanding bosses, and other stressors to deal with.) I had that opportunity a few weeks ago, and I decided against it. But the conversation did get me thinking. Several years ago when I left my job, I assumed that self-employment was the secret to job satisfaction. I mean, people hate working in cubicles and having no control over their lives, so being in control of your career must mean you'd be happier, right? Not necessarily. I've realized that if you're a chronic complainer, then you'll probably be unhappy regardless of the situation. But if you're a glass half full kind of person (which I try to be and you've probably guessed that I'm not 100% successful), then you'll see the silver lining in any situation. For me, that silver lining is being able to blog in the comforts of my living room.What about you? Do you think freelancing has made you happier? Or have you been surprised by the added stressors? Do tell! Flickr photo courtesy of caseywest