Lovely Girl   +  writing

Open Thread: What Are Your Must-Read Blogs?

A few weeks ago, I started updating my blogroll and discovered that several of the blogs listed no longer exist or haven't been updated in ages. I've since purged those blogs, and I'd love to discover a few more worth adding. All of the blogs listed on my blogroll are related to writing or written by a close friend (or both). But I'd love to hear what other blogs you enjoyed reading (writing-related or not). Is it because of the blogger's personality? Their useful tips? Or something else?

I have dozens of writing, freelancing, and marketing blogs saved in Google Reader. In addition, there are a few random ones that I follow just because. For instance, Wasabimon. It's a cooking blog and while I've yet to try any of the recipes, I love the deliciously vivid, colorful photos and the food blogger interviews. Then there's the WomenTALK blog, which explores women's health issues in a friendly, conversational style. I could go on, but I can't wait to read your recommendations. What blogs are on your must-read list?