Lovely Girl   +  rants

Why I Blog

I have been tagged by Shanna at Write from the Beginning to write about why I blog. Here goes... Like many people, I don't have a very interesting day job, so blogging is my release. Here I can be my sassy, irreverant self and most days I can't wait to get home and unleash my inner muse on the blogosphere. No one can pester me about Oxford commas or question my word choice (or wardrobe choice, as is so often the case), because this is my creative outlet. Here are a few more reasons:

  • To connect with other writers. This is my calling card so that when I comment on other people's blogs, they know I'm not just a psycho with a penchant for overusing parenthesis.
  • To practice writing short and pithy pieces. It can be harder than it looks, but magazines are always in need of front-of-book (FOB) pieces about the same length as a blog post.
  • To build my personal brand. My hope is that when I send editors here they will appreciate my chatty, girly style and think "this is the kind of girl who could write about dating/Gen Y/travel/money for my women's magazine." You never know...
  • To track my progress as a writer. I've tried keeping a journal, but I find myself crossing out, drawing arrows, and generally over-editing myself. Blogger does all that for me. And I can already see a greater sense of confidence and progress since I started this blog last November.

All right, time to pass the torch. Why do you blog? Liz and Alicia, you're next!