Lovely Girl   +  open thread

Open Thread: Biggest Blog Pet Peeves?

I try to keep this blog positive and upbeat and friendly. But we all need to vent every once in awhile. So, here's your chance. Tell us what drives you crazy and really turns you off a blog. Is it bad grammar? Fugly colors? Too many ads? Do tell!

Here are two my pet peeves. First off, ALL CAPS. For anyone who missed the memo in the early days of email, gratuitous capitalization is akin to yelling. And it's harder to read. Please don't do it. Next is incorrect word usage. As in using "remit" instead of "admit." Or "loose" instead of "lose." I can forgive the occasional slip-up, but I read a lot of blogs by professional writers who consistently misuse words they should know. And it comes off as careless.

Your turn! Share your blog beef(s) in the comments.