Lovely Girl   +  writing

Why Freelance Friends Rock

Writing can be kinda lonely: all those hours hunched over a computer, searching for the perfect word or phrase and churning out stories by the hour. Though some writers actually prefer it this way and worry that swapping tips could encourage the competition, I am not one of them.

I need outside stimulation, and I need to know that other people can relate. Which is why I find friendships with other freelancer writers so vital and invigorating. Here are a few more reasons.

They know people. When I’m stumped about finding an editor’s email address, there’s usually someone in my Gmail contacts who’s written for that editor and will often pass on their information. Plus, they’re good about warning me when a certain pub is habitually late on payment or generally being a PITA (of course, it feels good to pass on that info when I have it, too).

Their success is (partly) your success. When I hear that one of my writing pals has broken into a big dream market, it’s almost as exciting as hearing she’s just gotten engaged or promoted at work. And I think, if she can do, maybe next time it will be me! Plus, swapping editorial contacts and hearing that someone got an assignment based on your recommendation is pretty validating.

They’ll look out for you. I have a few freelance friends who can actually recognize my articles just based on the headline – talk about being tight! Plus, they make me laugh and share the ups and downs of writing.

They get it. My real life friends are a pretty ambitious crowd: we have a law student, a medical resident, several PhD candidates, and the like. But unless they freelance themselves, it’s difficult for them to understand the intricacies of writing a query or negotiating first serial rights. My freelance friends understand what’s at stake when I email a major editor asking for more money or discover that the magazine I’ve been contributing to is going bust. They get why it’s necessary to obsess over headlines and second-guess story angles, because they’ve been there.

See also: finding sources through social networking.

What do you love about your fellow freelancers? Leave a comment and let me know!