Lovely Girl   +  Twitter

I gave in and joined Twitter

I know I resisted because I worried it would become another potential time suck (I still worry about that). But then my freelance idol, Michelle Goodman, assured me it was a worthwhile pursuit. Jenny Cromie and Michelle Rafter blogged about all the cool things you can do with it. Andy Drish gave me a friendly nudge. Even my boyfriend, who is not into blogging or social media but read about it in a news article, asked why I wasn't doing it.

So now I'm on Twitter.

You can follow me here: @UrbanMuseWriter. I promise not to post inane things like "I'm eating a grilled cheese sandwhich" or "just got home from the gym." But I am enjoying the creative challenge of writing something meaningful in less than 140 characters. And the fact that there's so much going on, it's totally acceptable to miss things. I wish I were that way about Google reader, but I'm thorough to a fault when it comes to reading blogs.

If you're new to Twitter like I am, then you've joined at an exciting time! I'm totally digging other people's inaugaration tweets. Plus, @mariaschneider just posted two great lists of people to follow on Twitter: 25 good follows for freelancers and 25 publicists/agents/authors. Many more Twitter resources to follow, I'm sure.