Lovely Girl   +  writing opportunities

Calling All Guest Bloggers!

I'm planning a little vacay in February, so I thought that would be a good time to open up The Urban Muse to some guest bloggers. Whether you're a seasoned blogger who'd like to share your insights with a wider audience or you're a newbie who'd like a little taste of the blogosphere before you jump in, this is your chance.

All I ask is that you keep it between 250 and 750 words (or thereabouts) and focus your post on some aspect of writing. Since the guest post is for exposure, I'll even post something that has already appeared elsewhere or will appear elsewhere in the future provided you own the rights and don't publish it on the same day (how disappointing would that be for readers to eagerly click on a link to your blog only to find the same exact content as they just read?). That brings me to my final point... I'm happy to include a link to your blog, website, MySpace page, or other site provided it's appropriate for a general audience.

Email me for more information.