Lovely Girl   +  writing

15 Must-Read Blogs for Writers

Around this time each year, there are several "best of" blog contests. It always seems me a shame to me that the list is limited to a small number of blogs when there are literally hundreds of great bloggers in cyberspace. Which is why I wanted to shine the spotlight on several of my favorites.

Here, in no particular order, are some of the other freelancing and/or writing blogs I enjoy reading.

  1. Ask Allison: Allison Winn Scotch is as NYT-bestselling author who never seems to tire of answering reader questions about breaking into magazines, finding a literary agent, or writing a killer novel.
  2. Editor Unleashed: Maria Schneider posts social media tips for writers and authors, interviews with literary agent and authors, writing prompts, and more. Highly recommended, especially for those who write fiction or aspire to publish a book.
  3. Hell or High Water Writer: Beth Morrissey and I go way back, so I can tell you she's a talented writer and a genuinely nice person. Her blog includes interviews with other writers, plus announcements about anthologies, writing markets, and classes. And if you're in Dublin, you should take one of her classes!
  4. The Social Writer: Tim Beyers is a long-time contributor to The Motley Fool and co-hosts the weekly #editorchat on Twitter. His blog covers social media, tips for writers, and Tim's own musings on the media landscape. He has a great sense of humor, too.
  5. WordCount - Freelancing in the Digital Age: Michelle Rafter is among the most social media-savvy freelancers around. Her blog covers new developments in the newspaper and publishing world, as well as practical tips for writers.
  6. Freelancedom: Steph Auteri and I met up when I was in NYC last month and had a great chat about editors and freelancing. Her blog is both funny and informative with posts on staying motivated, managing uncertain cash flow, and accessorizing with useful tech toys.
  7. Words on the Page: Lori Widmer is a veteran freelancer whose no-nonsense approach to dealing with clients and marketing your services is a breath of fresh air. She's a huge advocate of writers earning what they're worth, and I'm all for that!
  8. Adventures in the Writing Life: Sara recently launched this blog, and it already has some great content about myths and misconceptions on writing, finding your motivation, and more. I recently contributed a guest post with tips on querying.
  9. CatalystBlogger: Jennifer Williamson posts practical business advice for writers in all genres, but her blog is perhaps most applicable to those who do copywriting and web content. I like her clear, but distinctive voice, and the way she encourages writers to conduct themselves professionally.
  10. A.K.A. Writer: Jesaka Long's blog explores topics like optimizing social media to promote your business and interviews other freelance professionals to get a different perspective on self-employment.
  11. Erik Sherman's WriterBiz: Erik Sherman's blog is a great resource for up-to-the-minute information on new publishing models, commentary on the industry, and warnings to writers about bad contract clauses or contests.
  12. The Procrastinating Writer: Jennifer Blanchard's posts are informative and well written, so although I don't consider myself a procrastinator (I'm too Type-A, which has its set of challenges), I read this blog anyway. And if you do struggle with motivation or time management, then this is a must read.
  13. The Productive Muse: Jenny Cromie is a successful freelance writer who recently started up a full time job. I'm betting we'll see a lot of interesting posts in the future with tips on balancing writing projects and managing your time.
  14. Quips and Tips for Successful Writers: Laurie Pawlik-Kienen uses funny or inspirational quotes to illustrate posts about selling your writing, finding inspiration, and building a successful blog. You may recognize Laurie's byline, since she's contributed a few guest posts here recently.
  15. The Life and Times of a Freelance Writer: Jennifer Escalona's blog features useful websites and tools for writers, as well as guest posts from new freelancers. This is the newest addition to my Google Reader, and I'm so glad I found Jennifer on Twitter!

What about you? Any other blogs that you look forward to reading each week?