I was browsing e-bay for some midcentury collectors goodies and I stumbled across something really interesting, a pair of Lana Turner's earrings for sale.
I couldn't help but to look on and it turns out her daughter is selling alot of items from her estate on e-bay. Items range from 40 dollars- 5 thousand. You have the chance to pick up a piece of history. For some reason I find this so fascinating that her daughter is doing this, I mean, wouldn't you love to hang onto all of it?
If anyone is interested, you can do find the items up for auction here.
And a bit about Lana:
Lana was signed to a contract at MGM at the age of 16 in 1937. She established parts as a leading actress in the 1940s, but is perhaps remembered most for her performance in 'Peyton Place' (1957). She was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress for her role.
In her personal life, Lana was married eight times to seven different husbands. Interestingly enough, in 1958 in the peak of her career her 14 year old daughter (Cheryl, the woman with the auction) stabbed Lana's then boyfriend Johnny Stompanato during a violent argument he was having with Lana.
Lana did some television in the 70s' and 80s' and ultimately died in 1995 from throat cancer.
Terrible story aside here are some photos of the beautiful Lana: