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Open Thread: Do You Have a Smartphone?

Last Friday's post about iPhone apps for bloggers and a discussion I read about writers and smartphones both have me thinking about the cell phones we use. As you may or may not know, I got a Blackberry in 2008, then upgraded to an iPhone earlier this year, so I've been a smartphone convert for a few years now. Being able to check email or pull up directions on the fly makes it much easier for me to travel or simply leave my computer for an hour or two without worrying I'll miss an important email from a client (I'm neurotic like that). Plus, I like playing Words with Friends and reading a book with the Kindle app when I have downtime away from home. But I know plenty of freelance writers who do just fine with a plain ol' cell phone. Some of them have clients who assume they check email around the clock because "everyone here has a smartphone," and I find that ridiculous. If you're happy without those all those bells and whistles, then more power to you! People did business before cell phones, faxes, even rotary phones were invented, so I hardly think it's fair to expect that everyone should carry one. Yes, an iPhone makes this freelancer's life a little easier, but they're not for everyone. What do you think? Do you carry a smartphone? Or have you felt pressure to get one? Do tell! Flickr photo courtesy of