Lovely Girl   +  writing

Musta Been One Heck of a Letter!

Wow, I'm posting three days in a row! I think that's a personal record for me. This is not writing-related, but I wanted to share. Several months ago I posted a very strongly worded entry about a travel fiasco on Delta airlines . I figured that they wouldn't acknowledge my complaint or reimburse me for my trouble, so a scathing post was all I could hope to gain from the experience.Turns out I was wrong. I sent them a letter listing my grievances and chastising them for poor customer service. I enclosed my receipts from the extra ten hours I spent in New York to further prove my point. Today I got a reimbursement check, a letter apologizing for the inconvenience, and a travel voucher worth $100. That was far more than I expected, and, I must admit, a classy PR gesture. So Mr. Gerald Grinstein, CEO (and the CS rep who signs your letters), I accept your apology. And your travel voucher!