Lovely Girl   +  success

Open Thread: What Project Are You Most Proud Of?

Two months ago, I asked readers to share stories about their first writing clip and got a ton of funny, nostalgic responses. It's great to remember the excitement of seeing your name in print for the first time, but it's also easy to lose sight of that feeling as we gain more credits and perhaps get a little jaded.

Now I'm asking you to share the project you're most proud of.

It could be your book manuscript or a personal essay you wrote or perhaps a video you produced. Remembering and reflecting on those projects is useful for inspiration and also helps us figure out new projects or directions that could bring that same feeling of creative pride. Sure, there are projects we do so we can collect a paycheck (no shame there), but hopefully we also find time for work that inspires us.

I'll start. Last year, soon after I left my job, I pitched an article inspired by a women's networking event I attended. All of these female entrepreneurs talked about working through challenges and how they got fired up after a setback and that got me fired up. If they could create a successful business, I reasoned, so could I.

The stars aligned, and assigned the story. Then Fox Business reprinted it: Turn Setbacks Into Successes. My editor made some tweaks, but overall the balance of practical and inspirational remains in tact. Even a year later, I almost always include this clip when I'm pitching a women's magazine or a business publication. I love the subject matter and the fact that it's not a 250-word charticle (as so many of my assignments tend to be!).

Do you have an article or a sample that you keep using again and again? What projects make you the most proud? Go ahead - tell us about them!