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The Risks & Rewards of Freelance Writing

An editor-turned-writer I know mentioned that editors are often cautious with new-to-them writers, because having a professional-quality portfolio doesn't necessarily mean you're a professional-caliber writer. They worry Will she deliver on time? Can she actually write or am I going to have to edit the $#@& out of her piece? Does she have conflicts of interest she's not sharing with me?

I understand this skepticism, but I also worry that this mentality is what prompts editors to ask new-to-them writers to write on spec. However, just as editors take a risk when they work with new-to-them writers, freelance writers also take risks when they work with new-to-them editors. Sure, there's a contract involved, but enforcing contracts can get messy.Whenever writers work with someone new, there's the possibility that they may not pay on time. Or they might edit the work in ways that reflect poorly on us (I try to let this go, but sometimes there are articles that I simply can't include in my portfolio and I'm embarrassed to have my byline attached). Or they might change the vision partway through the project. This happens even to the most seasoned writers.So, where does this leave clients, editors, and the freelance writers who work for them?If there's too much skepticism on either side, then the process doesn't work. That's why we have contracts and references and why some clients request a paid trial before they put a copywriter on a monthly retainer. Similarly, many magazine editors assign FOBs to an unknown writers instead of taking the risk of assigning a feature article.But when all runs smoothly, it can build to a successful relationship on both sides. The writer scores a great clip (or hopefully clips), and the editor or client discovers someone they can trust to understand their needs and deliver on deadline. That's why we take the risk in the first place.What do you think? Have you encountered skepticism toward your skills? Or are you the one with trust issues? How have you dealt with this? Flickr photo courtesy of Marc Bellucci