Lovely Girl   +  workspace

Open Thread: What's Your Ideal Workspace?

In honor of the fact that I'm moving into a new apartment this week, I'm curious how other writers and freelance folks set up their workspace. Unfortunately, not all of us have our ideal space (says the girl who once had to squat in the hallway to get a wireless signal), so let's talk about what works, instead of ranting about what doesn't.
Personally, I'm looking forward to having a sunny room sans roommates. No, I won't have a separate office just yet, but at least I'll have a little corner of the living room devoted to work (finally!). I ordered a new desk and a super-comfy faux suede couch so I can move my laptop to different surfaces depending on my mood. I'm also planning to buy several wooden cubes to use as shelves for storing my magazine stash under the windows. Maybe I'll put some cushions on top to create a little reading nook (I'm a sucker for a window seat and a good book).

What do you love about your space? What would make it better? How do you balance the need for a comfortable, inviting space with the need to get into a work mindset? Photo by teadrinker