Lovely Girl   +  writing tips

Four Tools Every Writer Can Use

When I find a really great website or blog, I believe in sharing the wealth. Karma, baby! Here are a few that I use on a semi-regular basis:

1. Google . I know what you're thinking - how very 1999 of me. But I'll let you in a little secret that will make Google your best friend in 2007 and beyond. Whenever I read an article that I really like, I google the writer's name (ok, probably won't work with, say, Susan Johnston, but try something less generic) to see what other websites or magazines the author has written for. Sometimes I don't find anything, but other times I've hit a gold-mine of obscure ezines and indie magazines. Try it!

2. MediaBistro. Whenever I'm in need of inspiration or procrastination, I go to MB and it has never let me down. From media gossip to job leads to features on "how to pitch," MB has everything I need (and probably a few juicy tidbits about certain editors that I don't really need but are still fun to read).

3. Amazon. In terms of finding expert sources, Profnet hasn't really worked for me (by which I mean that despite my best efforts I've never found a source on there). I picked up this other trick from a fellow writer and it has served me well. Using the search and sort feature in Amazon, I look for a book that addresses my article topic and is coming out in three-six months (sort according to publication date), then I contact the author. Sources who have a new book coming out are useful because a) they want to sell books so they're delighted to talk to anyone who can get them free publicity and b) editors want timely sources. Voila!

4. WritersMarket. I've had the print edition for several months and it's so massive, that I haven't even gotten around to registering for the online version. But I'm sure it will be even more fabulous and helpful than its ink and paper cousin. Note to self: join the 21st century and get online Writer's Market.

This muse needs her beauty sleep, but I hope you enjoy these four tools and maybe even leave of your own in the comment section (you know you want to... )