Lovely Girl   +  research

Open Thread: The Long and Short of It

Another writer asked me about word counts last week at a networking event. "So, are most of your pieces 400, 500 words?" he asked.

"Actually, I tend to write articles around 600 to 800 words, sometimes twice that if the editor wants something more in-depth," I said.

He's so comfortable with short form articles that the idea of a 1,600-word piece blew his mind. And there was a time when it would have blown my mind, too. But as many writers will point out, it often takes more time to cull a piece down to 400 words than it does to write 800. And it takes even longer to cull a piece down to 200 words, because you'll usually have many times that information in research to sort through.

Which brings me to this week's open thread topic. What is your preferred word count? Do you feel most comfortable writing long, conversational pieces? More succinct news briefs? Or does it depend on the topic? Do tell!