Lovely Girl   +  open thread

Open Thread: What Freelance Lessons Do You Wish You'd Learned Sooner?

Hindsight is 20/20 as they say. And while they have to invent a time machine so we can go back and fix some of our mistakes, there's always the chance to learn from other freelancers' mistakes or pass along a few pearls of wisdom. Last year, I blogged about a lesson I wish I'd learned sooner: that when other writers warn you about an editor or client or publication, there's usually a good reason. I would add that I also wish I'd cut the cord with low-paying publications sooner. Once you have a few solid clips, there's no reason to keep writing for pennies, people!

Now I'll open the floor to all of you fabulous freelancers. If you could go back in time and warn your younger self about something, what would it be? Do tell!