Lovely Girl   +  Tips & Tricks

Meme: Getting Around Productivity Roadblocks

Michelle over at Writing the Cyber Highway tagged me for a meme on Procrastination Roadblocks and How to Get Around Them. Here are my seven tips on beating procrastination.

  1. Do your research and get your questions answered as early as possible. It's easy to put off writing because "my editor hasn't gotten back to me on the number of sources" or "my source isn't answered her phone." Those may be legitimate excuses, but they're also kind of lame. Knowing that it could take awhile to get an answer, you should ask questions early and avoid a last-minute scramble.
  2. Get physical. Walking or jogging usually helps me focus my ideas and think up even more. Afterwards I'm rejuvenated and ready to write. Plus, it's a healthy way to work through stress.
  3. Reward yourself for reaching mini-milestones. It's like dieting: if you deprive yourself of all the things you crave (eating French fries or checking facebook), eventually you're going to cave in and have a major binge. After I've completed an assignment (or just written for a designated time period), I allow myself to check the forums and surf my favorite blogs.
  4. Take a hike. Sometimes I find impossible to write at home, because I'm always finding a surface that needs dusting, a shirt that needs mending, or a thank you card that needs addressing RIGHT NOW. Getting out of my apartment and into a new setting helps me refocus and avoids all the lame excuses that surround me at home.
  5. Unplug. By temporarily disabling your internet or unplugging your power supply (assuming you have a laptop), you can get a lot more done. When I can't plug in my laptop, it forces me to stay focused and write everything down before the battery dies and my computer goes into hibernate mode. I have a lot of trouble writing long-hand, but that's another option.
  6. Write on topics that interest you. Yes, sometimes we all have to write things that don't interest us to pay the bills. But if you carve out a niche writing about things you like, it shouldn't be hard to pull yourself away from the TV long enough to finish your assignment.
  7. Branch out. Even if you're doing #6 right and sticking to topics that you love, too much of the same thing gets boring. So take on a variety of assignments to keep things interesting. If you're blocked on the travel article, shift gears and write that blog post instead. At least you're getting something done, even if it's not the piece you planned.

I have a hard time keeping track of who's been tagged and who hasn't. So, if you'd like to blog about this meme, then feel free to leave a comment and tag yourself!