Lovely Girl   +  writing tips

Meme: 3 Tips on Writing

Thanks to Kathy for including me on the meme, “I am writer, hear me roar!” The concept here is to list three tips for writers and nominate five more writers to continue the string. Here goes…

  1. Make friends with other writers. No man (or woman) is an island, and writers especially need a support system of friends and fellow writers. These kind souls will warn you about bad editors, swap tips about new publications, and generally commiserate about the writing experience. In short, freelance friends rock, and every writer needs them to keep sane and get ahead.
  2. Take risks in your writing. Some of my best writing was created in a fit of frustration or passion, not when I was following a carefully outlined story idea. You know you’ve created something that has your unique writer’s stamp when you’re a little hesitant to share it because it exposes emotions you’re not sure you’re supposed to have. I’m a big believer in trusting your muse, even when it leads you to unexpected places. That's the stuff that really moves people!
  3. Follow-up like it's your job (because, frankly, it is). Last year, I landed assignments with three dream writing markets. All three of them resulted from follow-up emails or (gasp) phone calls. That’s right… I flew in the face of conventional advice and actually called an editor (repeatedly, in fact). Had I waited for the editor to respond, I might never have broken in. I’m not encouraging writers to be pests, but sometimes editors need a little nudge.

Now I'd like to tag the following blogs:
Write to Travel
Something She Wrote
Hell or High Water
Words on a Page