Lovely Girl   +  writers on writing

Let's give 'em something to blog about

Since I've gotten more serious about this blog and writing in general, I've been finding a ton of super-talented writers online and through various writer's groups. They all have a ton of great ideas and advice, and I'd love the chance to pick their brains about how they got started, where they find inspiration, and whether they watch The Apprentice or Survivor (I'm all about The Apprentice, but more on that in another post). Then it hit me - I could synthesize all this great information, make more writing contacts, and help other young writers by making it into a regular feature on my blog.So, starting next week, I will be profiling a writer or other muse twice a month. My first thought was to title it "20 Questions with Writer X," but who really has time to answer 20 questions? I'll keep it short and sweet at 5. All you aspiring writers, feel free to post your burning questions below and I'll be sure to include them in my top 5. And if you happen to be a fabulous up-and-coming writer who would like to be featured on this blog (and promote your upcoming projects), please leave a comment or email me. In the meantime, why not revisit my post about the fabulous Rachel Solar?