Lovely Girl   +  money

Boost Your Writing Business in 2011

Hope your 2011 is off to a great start! Today I wanted to share a guest post I recently contributed to Beth Morrissey's fabulous freelance writing blog, Writing Come Hell or High Water. It includes five ways that writers can boost their business in the New Year. Here's an excerpt:

Whether you made a resolution to earn more money or improve your writing this year, there are several small steps you can take to help boost your writing and reach your goals. Read on to discover five of these strategies. 1. Invest in your writing. Think about what would be most helpful to you and your writing, whether that’s taking a class, hiring a virtual assistant, or attending a conference, then DO IT. While conferences or classes can be expensive, the two writer’s conferences I’ve attended have both netted me juicy assignments and renewed my passion for writing. On the flip side, though, your needs will change over time, so it’s smart to evaluate your expenses and drop the classes, subscriptions, or other investments you’ve outgrown.
Read four more ways to boost your business in 2011.