Lovely Girl   +  writing

Open Thread: What's Your New Year's Resolution?

This year, I rebelled against the idea of making resolutions and instead set some loose goals with the understanding that life might get in the way and I could still have an awesome year. Here's a quick recap with updates in italics: --Say no to low-paying, high-maintenance clients Made a valiant effort, but this goal is ongoing. --Complete my certificate in Writing for Professional Communication Yes!! I finished last spring. It doesn't make much of a difference to clients, but I know I'm a better writer after completing all those assignments and taking copious notes. --Finish that ebook I’ve been neglecting and get it ready to distribute Done! In fact, it's available through my website, and I'm in the process of updating it with at least a dozen new markets (if you buy it now, you can sign up for an exclusive email containing market updates each time I add or subtract markets). --Retake driver’s ed so I will feel comfortable driving on the highway when I need to (it’s been awhile for this city girl) Completed over the summer. In fact, I now share a car with Mr. Muse, and I'm a lot more confident on the road than I was this time last year. So, what are my resolutions for 2011? This year, I vow to stop over-committing both personally and professionally. I'm a chronic people pleaser, so when someone asks me to spearhead a committee, host a party, teach a class, write a guest post, or tackle a last-minute assignment, I almost always say yes, even if it means skipping workouts, burning the midnight oil, and otherwise stressing myself out. Not this year. I've promised myself to make more time for writing essays, reading books (instead of blog posts or news articles), and doing other things that inspire me. Saying no to high-maintenance clients is part of that, too. Of course, you don't have to wait until the New Year to start a new mindset, so I've already started saying no, and I have to say, it's kind of liberating. So, what's your New Year's resolution? Or are you one of those people who avoid resolutions? Leave a comment and let us know! Flickr photo courtesy of katerha