Lovely Girl   +  success

Make My Day!

The last week or so has been really hectic with some last minute deadlines and back and forth with editors. The stress really peaked on Tuesday, then it began to calm on Wednesday when I got this very nice email and everything else started to straighten itself out. I wanted to share part of the email, because it really made my day.

Hi Susan,
I wanted to let you know I read your blog every day and enjoy the content and topics you write about. However, there was one thing you said that really stayed with me. You said (I'm paraphasing) that you were focusing on landing major assignments with major publications instead of competing with the masses for writing jobs on Craigslist. At that moment, the light went off in my head. She's right, I said. I am competing with thousands of writers for one or two jobs. So, I stopped wasting my time and started honing my queries. I writing to thank you because it worked. After years of trying, I have upcoming articles in [name withheld].
Thank you, Susan. You truly inspired me.
Terah Shelton

Thanks for the pick-me-up. Your note helped remind me of my priorities. It's easy to get caught up in the minutaie of keeping with emails and following up on queries, but like you, I've cracked several of my dream markets (the articles haven't come out yet, so I don't want to jinx it) in the last few months and have a lot to be proud of (OK, I've answered some posts on Craig's List, too, but you gotta strike a balance). Thanks for the reminder of what's really important, and congrats on your recent successes!