Lovely Girl   +  writing

The Writing Instructor's Toolkit

I'm in the midst of teaching another session of freelance writing at Boston Center for Adult Education, and I've been compiling a mental list of all the items I need to bring to class. Rather keeping it in my head (where I am apt to forget something), I thought I'd share it here:

1. Extra copies of handouts: Usually my handouts are waiting for me on the first day of class, but I always bring extras in case there's a mix-up and I need to photocopy them in a hurry.

2. Extra writing exercises/discussion points: Every class is different. Sometimes they ask a ton of questions so that I barely get through the topics I'd outlined beforehand, and other times I feel like Ben Stiller's character in Ferris Bueller's Day Off ("Ferris? Ferris... ?"). That's why I always try to bring more material than I think I'll need. Just in case.

3. Water bottle: Water is a must when you're talking for almost two hours straight. Then again, I don't want to drink so much that I need a bathroom break before the midpoint of class.

4. A watch: Ever since I read The Time Paradox, I have chosen not to wear a watch so I can focus more on the present rather than stressing about time (still, I'm seldom late because I can look at my BlackBerry or the clock on my computer). But depending on which classroom I'm assigned to, it's hard to know if I'll have an easy view of a clock. And I don't want my students to see me constantly checking my BlackBerry. Bringing a watch ensures that I start and end class on time.

5. Pens: Despite the image above, I don't actually use a chalkboard. Instead, I try to get to class a few minutes early and double-check that the room has dry erase markers with plenty of ink. So far I haven't had much trouble with this, but I'd bring my own if I needed to. I also bring a few extra regular pens so I can jot down notes on paper when students bring up topics I'd like to explore in more depth later on.

OK, class, what am I missing? If you've taught (writing or another topic), is there anything you'd add to this list?