Lovely Girl   +  open thread

Open Thread: What Are Your Freelance Fears?

In honor of Halloween this weekend, this week's open thread focuses on fear. Not those scary feelings you get watching a horror film or walking through a haunted house. But the more practical fears that hold us back in our freelance lives. Like worrying that one day all of our clients will dry up and we'll be forced to sleep in a cardboard box and burn our beloved magazines to stay warm. Or that our college professor who told us that we had a way with words was totally off the mark.

What are your freelance fears?

I admit that the fear of inadequacy and fear of failing occasionally rear their ulgly heads in my own life. But I try to keep those fears in perspective. And on Friday I'll post more about working through fears as a freelancer. Leave a comment describing your own fears so I'll have more fodder for the post!

Flickr photo courtesy of Banana Donuts ~ Half Baked Photography