Lovely Girl   +  writing

Open Thread: What Have You Learned This Summer?

September means that millions of kids are returning to school, and it seems like at least half of them have returned to my city (wow - did I sound old or what?). Even if you're finished with your formal education, freelance writers are never totally finished learning. We need to keep challenging ourselves to write better, market better, brainstorm better, or we'll left in the dust by our competition.

So, what have you learned this summer about the craft of writing or the business of freelancing? And what are you doing this fall to ensure that you continue to grow as a creative professional?

I'll start. This summer I worked on a couple of larger copywriting projects that I landed through referrals. It definitely hammered home the importance of building strong client relationships, but I'm still finding a balance between focusing on a few big projects (which is great because it means fewer little invoices to keep track of) and trying not to become too complacent or reliant on too few clients (a big no-no). My fall is still taking shape, but I have several writing and business books on my reading list, and I may take an online class or two.

What about you? Leave a comment and tell us about your continuing education as a writer!

Flickr photo courtesy of stevegarfield