Lovely Girl   +  success

Open Thread: What Groups Are Worth Their Dues?

Apologies for not posting earlier this week. I felt sick, so I opted to focus on sleep and urgent client work. I should have some drafts saved for situations like this, but... I didn't. Lesson learned.

Before I got sick, I submitted my application to join the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA). When I first started freelancing, it seemed like all the "cool kids" were ASJA members and recently it occurred to me that I have enough clips now to qualify for membership. *fingers crossed*

While I'm waiting to hear from the application committee, I thought I'd open the floor to discuss writers' organizations and other freelance groups. I'm already a member of Freelance Success (FLX), and I've found some great gigs through FLX's forums and weekly newsletters. The $99 annual fee is nothing compared to the fantastic interactions I have with members both online and at the FLX conferences (some members are also editors, which is rather convenient).

What about you? Are you a member of any freelance organizations like ASJA or FLX? Which one(s) are worthwhile and which one(s) should we avoid?