Lovely Girl   +  personal

Questions and an Award

Sorry for the slacking in posting, I have been very busy these past couple of days. I went to visit some family and friends over the weekend. I went to Atlantic City again on Saturday night to celebrate my friend Kate's birthday. (Bad girl, I went twice in one week!) Which reminds me that I have to post about my first Atlantic City trip still.

I wanted to let everyone that reads this blog know that I am using Formspring, which is a website where you can ask anyone that signs up questions anonymously or as a logged in user. I would like to create a blog post around answering these. So if you feel so inclined to ask a question submit one in about a week or so I will post with my answers.

I also wanted to thank C.K. at Hollywood Dreamland for awarding me with the One Lovely Blog Award, it certainly means alot to me that people enjoy reading what I write here.