How is everyone doing? I hope those also on the East Coast have weathered the storm we got. I was kind of getting used to regularity ceasing because of the snow, but tomorrow life will go on as normal. Although apparently we are supposed to be getting some more snow next week.
Anyway, again this isn't vintage... but it is getting there! I watched 'My Cousin Vinny' tonight. Surprisingly enough, although I am from NJ I have never watched this all the way through... but I did and I loved it!
For those who haven't seen it, it's from 1992 and Marisa Tomei stars opposite Joe Pesci as Mona Lisa Vito. Marisa Tomei won the Best Supporting Actress Oscar that year for her work. There was alot of controversy about her win, but I really think she was very brilliant in this role... I also saw her in The Wrestler and was as equally impressed.
Besides that, she is absolutely gorgeous in this film. And her clothing as crazy as it is (I mean this is 1992, right?) is really inspiring. I love her eyebrows. Oh and that flower jumpsuit... I want one of those. You really need to see the film to get the full effect of that outfit. And her signature one blonde streak behind the ear makes me want to grab a box of dark hair dye and leave out a blonde streak.
For those who haven't seen it, check it out... and check out these stills.