This week the people I work for went back to LA where they used to live for a visit. As I was cleaning up today I saw one of the souvenirs they brought back, a shirt with the 'Hollywood' sign on it. This got me interested in researching the history of the iconic landmark. (By the way, who formally lives in LA and then buys souvenirs?)
-The sign "Hollywoodland" was created in 1923 as an advertisement for a new housing development in the hills above Hollywood
-The original letters of the sign were 30 feet wide by 50 feet tall light by over 4000 lightbulbs
-It was only intended for a short amount of time, but because of the popularity of cinema, it was left there
-An interesting but morbid fact is that Peg Entwistle, a broadway actress, committed suicide in 1932 by jumping off of the 'H'
-In the 40s' the caretaker of the sign drove off the cliff behind the letter 'H' and ruined it (lots of trouble with this letter 'H' apparently)
-In 1949 a contact was made between Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and the City of Los Angeles Park department to restore the sign, the contract stipulated that the 'LAND' be removed as to represent they city, and not just the housing community
-Eventually the 1st 'O' broke in half and the 3rd 'O' fell off completely
-In 1978 the sign was restored thanks to donors who contributed a total of about 250,000 dollars for a new sign with letters 45 feet tall by 31-39 feet wide
-In 2005 the original 1923 sign was auctioned off on e-bay