I've been on a big movie kick yesterday and I was introduced to the movie Arabesque and I absolutely fell in love with it, so I wanted to share on here.
In 1966 Sophia Loren and Gregory Peck starred in Stanley Doren's 'Arabesque'. It is a mod spy mystery and Sophia Loren is to die for in this film. The hair/makeup and wardrobe are stunning. Yves Saint Laurent was working for Dior at the time of this film and is the creator of all of her outfits. I wish there were more pictures available of just her wardrobe online, but I wasn't able to find many options.
Enjoy the pictures I have, and I really recommend seeing this one. Wardrobe aside, it is a really fun film. It is along the same lines as 'Charade' and both are directed by Stanley Doren. The American Film Institute named Sophia Loren as number 21 on its list of 25 Greatest Female Screen Legends, this film was the one selected to highlight her career.
There is a really great scene in this movie where Sophia Loren is trying on various pairs of shoes, there are so many beautiful shoes in that shot. Also, one of her outfits that I couldn't find a picture of was amazing, a red pleather rain coat. If anyone has seen it, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Feel free to post a photo if you have one of it :)
Anyway, she inspired me so much that I think I am going to lop off my hair into her style!