About a week ago I took on the daunting task of cleaning out messy closet. The seasons are changing and it was a good time to switch over from Summer to Winter. And trust me, my closet needed a good cleaning.
As a busy working girl I tend to come home and throw my clothes everywhere, or throw clothes everywhere in a hurry to find things to wear in the morning. Along with my carelessness, my even messier boyfriend had our entire walk-in closet filled with things that I literally haven't seen since we moved in. Clutter is stress, so out with the stress and in with a nice clean closet! I had so many hidden gems in my closet, and hanging up all my hats and accessories actually inspires me to get dressed.
Please excuse the fact that I forgot to photograph a side of the closet. It's hard to get in there with a camera.
A few photos of the results, and happy organizing!: