Lovely Girl   +  Tips & Tricks

Open Thread: How Do You Market Yourself?

This week I'd like to swap tips on marketing yourself as a freelancer. Personally, I've gotten excellent results from referrals, and I always try to refer other freelance buddies when I hear about a project that might be a fit for them. It's good karma all around!

I've also done well with the occasional Craig's List services ad. This is where you post your services and weed out potential clients, rather than responding to an ad and hoping they pick you out of the slush pile. Either way, you have to sort through a lot of ... well, you know what. But at least if you post an ad, you have a bit more control.

Sometimes a client finds me through my website or something I've posted on HARO, but these are more passive ways of landing new clients. While I've tried sending out postcards to new prospects or registering with creative staffing firms, I haven't had much luck with either one. A few inquiries, sure, but no contracts.

What works for you in terms of marketing? Have you had success with postcards or other materials? Do tell!