Lovely Girl   +  personal branding

New Look for Summer (and beyond)

As you've probably noticed already, The Urban Muse got a makeover this week. Thanks to all of my readers who have left nice comments about the new design. Those of you who are viewing this in a reader may want to come check it out.

Basically, I wanted a design that would still be friendly and fun, but also a little more professional (Amanda's comment nailed that one). I also didn't want to alienate the increasing number of male readers who've chimed in with comments. I've known for a while that the transition from my blog to my website or vice versa is a little jarring and I wanted to create a more consistent brand across platforms. Thus, it was time to retire the avatar and exchange it for something a bit more grown-up.

Huge thank you to Heather at Goofy Girl Designs for making the transition so smooth!