Lovely Girl   +  sources

Five Ways to Wow an Editor

So recently I've been branching out and writing for several new publications, which got me thinking about what I could do to solidify those relationships and gain more assignments. Here's what's worked for me in the past:

  1. Beat deadlines. Whenever possible, I try to let editors know that I'm on top of my game by turning in assignments a few days early. No eleventh hour emails from me.
  2. Think like an editor. I try to think of other possible treatments for my articles - would a sidebar or chart make a nice companion to the main story? Or maybe a list of related websites or stats?
  3. Ask what they need and offer ideas. If I work to keep writing for the editor, I'll turn in the story and ask if they could use articles on other topics. If I don't have time or it doesn't interest me, I'll refer someone else (but be careful to only refer reliable writers or this could backfire).
  4. Keep research organized. Just in case they ask for it, don't delete those emails or notes. And be prepared to offer up contact info for sources in case they want to follow-up or get photos.
  5. Take criticism graciously. I've had editors ask for rewrites with less than 24 hours notice and, while it's certainly inconvenient, every time I've delivered on short notice, I've always gained future assignments from them.

What has worked for you? Leave a comment and let me know!